

"Weight Loss is..

Internal, not just external." I heard that today while watching Heavy [a show about obese people who diet/exercise/work their tails off {quite literally} to lose weight] and it really resonated with me. Without losing what we hold within ourselves, we can never let go of what lies outside ourselves. It's a crazy concept, but it's so accurate, which is why [I guess] I feel the need to share.

Real talk: I am a clam. I bottle things up and I do not like to share with others, therefore others may find me cold and blunt. Unfortunately, it causes my friendships to deteriorate. I carry that concern with me and my worries and my stresses, everyday. I tend to feel insecure about myself. I hate to workout because I am embarrassed that I have gained SO MUCH WEIGHT since I came to college.. and I am never motivated about losing weight. But by God, I am determined to not carry this weight with me any longer. I am sorry for friendships I may have neglected and I am sorry to myself for putting my health on the back-burner for so long.

On a lighter note [!!], I went to Zumba today and had a pretty amazing workout [& by pretty, I mean I was wearing some of my new awesome workout gear]. I have also decided to start [slowly] running, because I really want these lbs to come off and cardio by walking on the treadmill at a 3.5 pace or Zumba once a week is not cutting it~

P.S. If anyone has any tips about starting running [because this pony is fresh out the gate, for real] or biking [I definitely own a bike and never use it, hello, welcome to my life..], please feel free to share your wisdom. I will need and appreciate it.

Okay, enough melancholy chatter, here's a cute photo to cheer you [and myself] up :D

Otters: they're just like us... except their kisses are MUCH cuter.


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