

Oh hey weight! So glad you're back...


So, the weight I lost has either repositioned itself or half of it came right back [that's what I get for trying to study and get stuff done and not work out..]. Now, let's be clear. I most likely brought this upon myself [not the weight, this realization. but thanks for thinking the first, bitch~] by going to the mall today and thinking "I need a nice new bikini :)" then going to try it on in the horrific fitting room lighting. About the time I slipped my too big sz 12 jeggings off onto the floor and saw my thunder thighs in the mirror, I decided I was not in the mood to try anything on.. but I did. Which is why I'm venting now [it. was. not. good. trust. me.].

Therefore, you should get excited to hear my ranting and about my crazy antics in the gym, on my bike, on walks, on runs, while I'm craving delicious things..because the dramatic weight loss has to begin ASAP. Again..

PS. No more trying things on in stores. Even if I hadn't been overweight, the lighting makes you look like you haven't slept/tanned/bathed in months *gag*

PSS. I sold my first item on Poshmark [iPhone app that is amazing; you can put all kinds of stuff on there that you want to get rid of in your closet... visit the website here] and I may buy my first item from someone tonight! Look for my page under my name: msteaq



That moment when..

[a collection of awkward/annoying/crazy/awesome things that happen all the time].

  • you would definitely ram your car into the idiot driving [if that's what he/she calls it..] in front of you, if you could remain anonymous and your car wouldn't be destroyed too.
  • you beat someone to the last parking spot available on the row.
  • someone's child [that they had to bring with them out in public] constantly bumps into you in line or tries to hang off your purse [take your birth control.. or teach your child to chill out].
  • you have just enough money to buy whatever it was you needed from the store.
  • you realize you've just gotten stuck in the "welfare/food stamp" check-out line at Wal-Mart and you're in a hurry..
  • you finally notice one of the magazines you always buy is $5. Seriously?? 
  • you throw out all bad fruits/foods, clean the whole apartment, and you still find gnats -_-
  • someone says that you look like you've lost weight.
  • the flavor you love from Pinkberry [lychee] is completely out in 1 week.
  • you realize the person at the customer service counter, knows as much about the thing you're asking about...as you do.
  • you know you need to, but you don't... do laundry.
  • you finish a workout and feel a sense of accomplishment :)
  • you have an amazing idea about what you want to do for the rest of your life and then you realize how much you actually need to get done work-wise before you can even BEGIN to think about things like that, so... you keep thinking about it anyway and it consumes your life until you have a severe reality check by looking at your planner [A.K.A. what happened to me this weekend].
  • you decide this is enough examples and you really need to get started on your work-- Ciao guys and gals!!
Random, but-- this is from a page I follow on Tumblr. How can you not melt when you see dis wittle face!!?


"Weight Loss is..

Internal, not just external." I heard that today while watching Heavy [a show about obese people who diet/exercise/work their tails off {quite literally} to lose weight] and it really resonated with me. Without losing what we hold within ourselves, we can never let go of what lies outside ourselves. It's a crazy concept, but it's so accurate, which is why [I guess] I feel the need to share.

Real talk: I am a clam. I bottle things up and I do not like to share with others, therefore others may find me cold and blunt. Unfortunately, it causes my friendships to deteriorate. I carry that concern with me and my worries and my stresses, everyday. I tend to feel insecure about myself. I hate to workout because I am embarrassed that I have gained SO MUCH WEIGHT since I came to college.. and I am never motivated about losing weight. But by God, I am determined to not carry this weight with me any longer. I am sorry for friendships I may have neglected and I am sorry to myself for putting my health on the back-burner for so long.

On a lighter note [!!], I went to Zumba today and had a pretty amazing workout [& by pretty, I mean I was wearing some of my new awesome workout gear]. I have also decided to start [slowly] running, because I really want these lbs to come off and cardio by walking on the treadmill at a 3.5 pace or Zumba once a week is not cutting it~

P.S. If anyone has any tips about starting running [because this pony is fresh out the gate, for real] or biking [I definitely own a bike and never use it, hello, welcome to my life..], please feel free to share your wisdom. I will need and appreciate it.

Okay, enough melancholy chatter, here's a cute photo to cheer you [and myself] up :D

Otters: they're just like us... except their kisses are MUCH cuter.



If I were a boy..

I would wanna be a drag queen [teehee]. If you haven't been to a drag show or watched Ru Paul's Drag Race [BTW-- this season, Latrice is MY GIRL!], you haven't truly lived [that's an exaggeration, but nevertheless]~ I went to a drag show at Hamburger Mary's and it was so much fun [more fun even, when you've had a Long Island and a Mojito!]. I was with my girls and we danced in our seats, we tipped a queen or two [the one time I've actually had dollar bills in my wallet], and sang/danced along to some fabulous songs; it was truly a fabulous/hilarious night.

Now that my weekend has wound down and I'm trying to avoid studying for my exam tomorrow morning I thought I'd give the update and the final photos [for the juice diet anyway].

Final weight loss: 6lbs
Final size loss: 1.5 pant size [I'm in between sizes, so sue me]
Final looks: [photos below, don't judge-- and yes, I changed bathing suits, it is not a different person like those stupid Hydroxy-cut commercials... which you can probably tell because in this set of photos, I'm not 45lbs lighter and super tan]

I need a prof. photographer; but I think I look a tad smaller
Little less belly fat~
Without working out arms, it's basically the same.

***Side note: you may have noticed there's a back shot missing. Let me save you the time. My fat ass is the same. No need for you to see that sight twice~

Final words: Reboot juicing diet is not for the faint of heart. It did not boast to make you lose 30lbs in 30days, however, their website shows mainly large lbs losers on the juicing diets. The reality is it doesn't matter what the diet, if you cannot keep it up consistently and you do not work out enough, it may be all for naught~ I have learned my expensive, time-consuming, discouraging, reality-inducing dieting lesson!

PS. I'm on Bloglovin! If you like reading my sarcastic, fabulous blog, please go to it, sign up, and follow this blog [you can get the link from my last post about Bloglovin]. It is an easy way to follow and see my new posts and you can follow any other blogs you like as well [I am currently in love with The Glitter Guide and it's creator's blog, Sterling Style]

PSS. What kind of posts would you like to see from now on?
  • Diet/Workout?
  • Style/Beauty?
  • Soapbox-type Commentary?
  • Whatever else?
Please comment below & let a girl know~

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Just a mini-post to let you know that you can officially follow and receive updates about my blog via Bloglovin!

PS. Update is coming tomorrow :)


Does that make me old..?

  • Liking Ones: Sunsweet prunes
  • Listening to oldies music
  • Missing the 90s
  • Thinking that quite a few of the people in my generation are complete manner-less, "born in a barn", "raised by wolves" idiots
  • Seeing a nicely dressed elderly woman at WalMart and thinking, "I like her shirt" [which is where I thought of the title, because let's be real, the thought scared me]
  • Wanting peace and quiet instead of eardrum deafening techno shit [yeah, I said it, sue me. I don't consider it worthy of the word music]
  • Liking to read [which apparently people don't do much of anymore]
  • Feeling reminiscent when I see a photo of an VCR or portable CD player
  • Disliking rambunctious children
  • Napping... all the time
  • Forgetting where I parked the car or put my glasses or why I walked into a room...
  • Having a deep love for kitty cats [more like: does that make me a crazy cat lady? we have 6 cats at home]
  • Making lists so I'll remember to do things I can't just keep in short term memory [because my STM is useless]
Clearly, I'm feeling like my age is creeping up on me. After being sick and fatigued Tuesday through Wednesday, I felt like my body was falling apart and I was [gasp] aging ungracefully! So I bought some primer [Hard Candy brand, which is amazing btw], a face mask, and looked up the best ways to lose weight in your face and tone up [hello 9 8oz glasses of water a day, little salt, and lots more exercise/strength training] and hopefully that will relieve some of my worries.

PS.SWEAR I'll have final diet info/weigh-in info/photos up on the blog by the weekend [I've been sick, studying for exams, and working, so it's not like I'm trying to avoid it]. Plus, I wanna share the small amount of progress I've made!]

Ciao <3


Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut..

and sometimes you have a random illness or sick day that no one at the Health Center can explain! [story will begin shortly, don't get antsy~]

Today marks THE OFFICIAL END OF MY 30DAYS of JUICING and apparently, my dieting life wanted to go out with a bang! So this morning, I was in class and had this crazy feeling like I didn't have any blood flowing to my extremities [legs/arms]. I excused myself twice to get up, walk around, walk in the sunshine, try to shake the feeling.. came back to class and suddenly my head was swimming and I left class early. Went to my room, laid down, legs were aching like crazy, felt freezing, and had some OJ and half a sandwich to try and see if that would make the symptoms subside. Had to get up and go to an exam, felt okay on the walk there.. got in the classroom, sat down, head started swimming, felt like all the blood left my body and I had to reschedule my exam [thank you Professor for understanding why I gave you a quick explanation and proceeded to walk quickly to my room before I fell to the floor].
Long story short, I made it to my room, napped, felt a little better, ate and made an appt for the Health Center. Once I told them all my symptoms [and they checked via urine test{PS. eww to that whole experience that never gets comfortable... handle on cup would be nice, HELLO?! I don't have an aiming instrument like boys.. but I digress}to see if I was pregnant, which PSS. I'm not, which I knew already] they were as confused as a cow on astroturf. Temperature was high [101.5] and my BP and HR were a little high, but I had no nausea, no pains, and I had no clue I was running a fever.. So their diagnosis? Possible virus, idk what to tell you because your symptoms are strange, come see us immediately tomorrow if you feel worse [not an exact quote, but close].

Moral of the story: Sometimes you feel like a nut [AKA maybe a hypochondriac] and sometimes you won't get answers to prove either way. Soooo.... don't get sick :D

To add to that, final diet photos will be up tomorrow night, because tonight I will be resting and any activity is too much activity for me. Frankly, and let's be real, I might have taken a pregnancy answer better than no answer at all. 
  • Pregnancy: you know it's there, you know [generally] what goes on, and you have 9months till it's over [and 18years after that to ponder why you did it in the first place! lol].
  • Random illness that's never happened to you before that no one can explain: you don't know when it's coming, why, or from where, and no one congratulates you for having it~
Have a great, not sick/crazy week and thanks for following<3


It's the Final Countdown..

[can you hear the music in your head? seriously, how cool is that?]

Here's the thing: It is the legitimate final countdown for my diet [2 days] and my 4yr college degree [35 days]... and I am so thrilled.

Random but adorable-- I saw THE CUTEST frog outside my residence hall last night on duty!
So cute that I cannot stand it!!
So as this diet winds down to an end, I just wanted to let it be known that the juicing Reboot diet is not as easy as it may look or seem. Furthermore, having unrealistic expectations going into can set you up for disappointment and possible failure.I went into this diet, believing I could drop about as much weight as I've gained in the past 4yrs... and that was a mistake because it left me frustrated throughout the diet and the results were never enough for me~ I have to date, lost 1 pants sz, 5.5lbs and part of my sanity my hatred of exercise. What I lost on this diet [aside from the hope that I'd do it forever and $75 {my half of the purchase} plus $30 {of my own budget} in express shipping], I gained in perspective of my lifestyle and a new-found respect for exercise and the progress of results.

Please take this from me: Make changes in your life/diet/workout/whatever that you can keep up with and do not set unrealistic expectations because your body [and your mind] can only handle so much before they'll throw it back at you. I've certainly learned my lesson and I'm so glad I've had a following on this blog to keep me going and keep me in check. I will not let you down and I will not stop blogging [my life is way too crazy to keep to myself].

Have a great week and keep on keeping on <3