

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut..

and sometimes you have a random illness or sick day that no one at the Health Center can explain! [story will begin shortly, don't get antsy~]

Today marks THE OFFICIAL END OF MY 30DAYS of JUICING and apparently, my dieting life wanted to go out with a bang! So this morning, I was in class and had this crazy feeling like I didn't have any blood flowing to my extremities [legs/arms]. I excused myself twice to get up, walk around, walk in the sunshine, try to shake the feeling.. came back to class and suddenly my head was swimming and I left class early. Went to my room, laid down, legs were aching like crazy, felt freezing, and had some OJ and half a sandwich to try and see if that would make the symptoms subside. Had to get up and go to an exam, felt okay on the walk there.. got in the classroom, sat down, head started swimming, felt like all the blood left my body and I had to reschedule my exam [thank you Professor for understanding why I gave you a quick explanation and proceeded to walk quickly to my room before I fell to the floor].
Long story short, I made it to my room, napped, felt a little better, ate and made an appt for the Health Center. Once I told them all my symptoms [and they checked via urine test{PS. eww to that whole experience that never gets comfortable... handle on cup would be nice, HELLO?! I don't have an aiming instrument like boys.. but I digress}to see if I was pregnant, which PSS. I'm not, which I knew already] they were as confused as a cow on astroturf. Temperature was high [101.5] and my BP and HR were a little high, but I had no nausea, no pains, and I had no clue I was running a fever.. So their diagnosis? Possible virus, idk what to tell you because your symptoms are strange, come see us immediately tomorrow if you feel worse [not an exact quote, but close].

Moral of the story: Sometimes you feel like a nut [AKA maybe a hypochondriac] and sometimes you won't get answers to prove either way. Soooo.... don't get sick :D

To add to that, final diet photos will be up tomorrow night, because tonight I will be resting and any activity is too much activity for me. Frankly, and let's be real, I might have taken a pregnancy answer better than no answer at all. 
  • Pregnancy: you know it's there, you know [generally] what goes on, and you have 9months till it's over [and 18years after that to ponder why you did it in the first place! lol].
  • Random illness that's never happened to you before that no one can explain: you don't know when it's coming, why, or from where, and no one congratulates you for having it~
Have a great, not sick/crazy week and thanks for following<3

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