

What is it about lipstick..

that makes me wanna gnaw my lips off!? Don't get me wrong, I have tried many a time to be a "lipstick girl" [no reference to Lipstick Jungle btw] and it's always a miss. My lips are too dry, they're too balmy, the lipstick bleeds, it isn't the right red [with mememe undertones], the pink is too harsh, then of course-- I chew at it the second I swipe it on! Someone please give me a lesson in lipstick or help me put it on, because it ain't cute~

Zumba at 10AM tomorrow... Sooooo, when I post about how I basically died tomorrow night, you'll understand why.

PS. 4 days until juicing is done and then I'm back to trying to eat healthy, small portions and exercising like mad.

PSS. My little brother Stone [refer to my first post to see the family photo] made Rave Review [my high school show choir] today!! I was in it all 4 years of HS and now he can carry on the "legacy" lol. I am a very proud sister and I knew he could do it~

Have a fantabulous weekend everyone <3


Who's lost another pound since Monday??..

This girl. [your applause is greatly appreciated]. Ever since my moment Monday night, I have been on the road to changing my lifestyle. I have worked out consistently since then [except yesterday when I was uber busy then I had to work {I'm an RA in my residence hall and we have weekly duty nights, mine being Wednesday}] and I've been drinking my juices, eating sliced orange bell peppers as snacks, and I finally got around to Whole Foods [which, P.S. can I just buy that entire store? I want everything in it and I'm not a wealthy college student, if such a thing exist, so I yearn for Whole Foods...foods] and bought Chia seeds, half price [thank you awesome employee guy and thank you Anna for alerting me of where I could find them]! I've also started studying for my exams early and I'm making progress on all my projects due next month [talk about a change for a chronic procrastinator].

Back to the whole losing a pound bit-- I am on FIRE lately! I had a Starbucks stir-in coffee today [I know, not a good thing on my diet, but I was running behind for class today and needed a quick pick me up.. I had it with a banana, so that definitely kind of makes up for it~] and it gave me a 5 HOUR jitterbug feeling. I could have conquered world peace in that 5 hours or rearranged my whole apartment or ran a mile [fast!]. It. Was. kind of scary Awesome. Then I went to the gym this evening and weighed myself, out of sheer amusement actually, and I'm down a pound! [*happy booty shake dance*] Yay for turning my lazy lifestyle into a more productive one :D

Tomorrow will be a day of studying, laundry, and a nice dinner with the girls<3I hope your weeks are going amazing as well!

PS. I also bought new exercise clothes this week, which is a great motivator in itself and they were on major sale!

New shirt, yoga-type pants, and running shorts [not that I ever run, but still]


See, what ha' happened wuz....

A girl got help from anotha girl today, on her life perspective. Yours truly had a "come to Jesus" moment tonight after meeting with a close friend [and an apparent avid reader!]. This girl [in the photo below] has been kicking serious tush lately and has lost major weight [not that this bishh needed it, but you know, whatever..] and I did one workout with her tonight and understood why. GIRL IS A FITNESS MACHINE! She gave me the ultimate "get your butt in gear" workout at 10PM at night [that I hadn't really planned on doing] AND knew all the lingo and reasoning behind each move and each muscle and... frankly-- this girl right here [AKA: Me] was impressed~

Photo from 2010-- we still look fab though!
So while she was telling me about another ab workout move [when I should have been paying more attention, naturally], I was thinking [and eventually said aloud] I exercise as a means to an end to get thin fast and she exercises and makes a complete lifestyle change to stay healthy and keep the weight off.. SOOoo, that was my "come to Jesus" [PS. is that phrase not hilarious??] moment right there. In order to be successful and STAY healthy, I can't expect instant, liposuction-like results immediately. Granted, quick weight loss does make you [or rather me] more motivated, but it may not last and I want this to be a life change and LAST. So, thank you for helping me realize this needs to be a total transformation of mind/body/lifestyle/and spirit, and I love you for helping me [in future workouts] and for being an awesome friend too!

PS. Juicing is almost over [1 week left basically] and I will not be doing it again. I have found during this struggle process, that it is more of a portion control issue for me and adding more fruits and veggies in replacement of sugary items and processed crap has helped me considerably. But I cannot live on juices and I cannot cut out all the things I grew up with and love [hello?! Bacon!!], therefore I just have to learn to give and take with my eating and counteract less than healthy items with a big dose of exercise! Here's to staying healthy and improving my lifestyle and losing more weight/inches!

PSS. Final photos for the juicing diet will come April 3rd at the end of it [it's a 1 pants sz and 5lbs weight loss thus far, but I haven't measured inches yet]. However, I will be keeping the blog and keeping you updated with my progress and my life :)

Stay tuned and have an awesome week <3


From Clothes to Gym Bags..

Went shopping today with my beau. We went to a bunch of cool shops and I [get ready for this one]... had the opportunity to buy something [anything!] and I bought Christian Louboutins a gym bag! I know, crazy right?? I am so determined to get my ass in gear that I'm more concerned about getting a nice gym bag than buying clothes, which to me is a good sign :)

As far as the juicing goes, I haven't been able to get to the juicer [my partner is on vacay and she has the juicer] but my portions are much smaller and healthy and riddled with fruits/veggies. Also, I've been walking around campus more and I'm going back to the gym [hopefully this weekend]. So, a little off-track juicewise, but not healthwise~

More updates to come soon-- have a fabulous weekend <3

PS. 2 Pet Peeves:
1. Employees in a store that are TOO helpful and try to make you buy everything you touch/look at. 2. Employees that blatantly avoid you, your eye contact, or anything to do with their JOB.

PSS. Dying to try macaroons. Someone PLEASE tell me where to find these in Tampa, FL!!
Can you say yummy?!


If It Ain't Fried, Buttered, Breaded, Battered, or Covered in Gravy...

...then you won't find it in WV, that's for sure! I have been home since Saturday at 12AM and although I haven't eaten nearly the portion sizes I used to... I haven't exactly been "healthy" either. I've had onion rings, part of a Philly cheese-steak, a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich, M&Ms, bacon, eggs, toast with jam... and you know what?? I've lost 2 more lbs since last Saturday and am officially a pants size smaller! SOOoooo... I think the lesson to be learned is that it doesn't really matter what diet you decide to go on [extreme scary diets being the exception], as long as you change your portions, exercise, and make sure whatever lifestyle changes you're making, you can live with them.
Because honey, I can tell you this right now... if you are a meat eater, who grew up with home-cooked foods, loves dessert, loves snacking, and get easily and quickly agitated when you can't eat... you will never be able to survive on just juice/fruit/ and veggies [trust me... I'll be done with this diet in 2 weeks and it's a struggle]. It may have been the most insane diet I've ever tried worth it, but I will not be doing it again. Give me exercise and portion control ANYDAY [and y'all know I hate exercise]!

Anyway--I will update later tomorrow night, since I'll finally be back in Tampa [and possibly not have some sort of work or catching up to do~].

Thanks for sticking in there while I was away :)


Pet Peeves & a Life Changer..

Pet Peeve 1: People who can go through an intense Zumba session for an HOUR.. and never break a sweat [while I sweat like it's my freaking job]. I hate you.
Pet Peeve 2: People in Zumba who dance like they're a trashy $2 whore OR like they're an epileptic Richard Simmons [while I dance like a human being, with a little more class and a LOT more rhythm]. I hate you too.
Pet Peeve 3: Watching myself in the mirror during Zumba. Wondering how my arms got this fat. Thinking about how longer hair would make me feel better. Wanting new workout gear... I hate that.

*Diet is the same, but the workout thing is really tough helping me get more energized and reach some major weight-loss.

On a heavier note [my life changer..], I may not update from Friday until next Wednesday [I know... you're crushed!] but I had a death in the family [my grandma "Nan-Nan" <3] and I will be going home during that time. So I will leave you with this quote for today:

“There’s a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming griefand unspeakable love.


Wooooo Chil'!

I. Am. Out. Of. Shape.
I went to the gym for the first time in a while and I broke a SWEAT honey, speed-walking 1.5mi. [I know, I know... but if you were me, you'd think that was impressive too]. Then I attempted to do some strength training and apparently all men need all machines...always [meat-heads..who grunt unnecessarily and lift too much weight to look cool... I hope you tear something]. Then I went to the awesome gym scale and voila~ 2.2lb loss in 1 week. Not exactly what I wanted [I was thinking 10lbs], but it is realistic and I'm willing to keep going to see it through and lose more!

Off-subject-- I went to Walmart again [glutton for punishment, but I was in dire need of groceries] and just let me give you a lil taste: "Girl, you had betta stop throwin a fit on the floor or I'm whoop yo ass right here in this aisle!!" *Child screaming, on ground, throwing tantrum* [me.. in aisle, praying I can become invisible because it is SO embarrassing]. "Alright, you aksed for it!" *smacks child...repeatedly* *Child is wailing* [me.. deciding whatever I came into this aisle for, can wait until they've checked out]. Then it gets better [because who thought my story could end there right??]. Woman's friend: "What she don' did now?"  Woman:"She's actin' like an idiot up in this aisle, so I gave her sumptin to cry about!" *Child still crying* [me.. "excuse me........{let me out of your hot mess}..............bye"].

Moral of my Walmart story: There is nothing but TOMFOOLERY and NONSENSE going on at Walmart, any Walmart, at ALL TIMES. PS. I spelled "asked" wrong on purpose, because that's how most people pronounce it now.

Diet update: Going well, too busy with schoolwork to notice that I may be hungry and I will continue to hit the gym like crazy until I'm thinner, toned, and an all around better diva than I am now ;)

*If my updating becomes haphazard or sporadic, I have 3 exams this week and projects that need to be started and other such ridiculousness~

Have a happy, healthy week!


Summing it up...

Short post today.

School starts tomorrow [gag me with a spoon].
Need more groceries so I can make more juices this week.
Start working out full force tomorrow afternoon! [I'm secretly excited~]
Weighing myself and give y'all an update tomorrow!

Have a great week everyone :)

So Here's the Skinny...

Due to questions from a fabulous reader of my blog, I thought I would give some more info. on the background and makings of my diet!

  • I started my diet after watching the documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" [which you can find on Netflix or some other website that shows movies. preferably on the free-side, at least for you broke college kids]. 
  • The website to go to find more information about the diet and where to buy the Breville juicer is: Join the Reboot!
  • The diet I'm on is the Reboot Diet: Plus Dinner version.
  •  I recommend that you really research this diet and think about your lifestyle before you seriously consider starting a juicing diet or any diet that requires major lifestyle/dietary changes.
Soooooo... I didn't get around to weighing myself today but I will be heading to the gym Monday afternoon, so I swear it'll be posted THAT NIGHT! As far as the juicing goes, it's getting easier to do [with a straw]. I've been trying to drink through the straw to music [yeah, I'm that kind of weirdo. ha ha ha, laugh all you want, you know you do random things to the beat of music] so it'll go quicker and I won't really been focused on how it tastes or what it is really.  

Not to discourage anyone from this though!! It's a great diet, I'm just stubborn when it comes to changing my lifestyle habits [like eating whatever I want and not thinking about consequences]. It has been easier on my grocery budget [$35 a trip, 2 trips in a Saturday to Saturday span] and I have found myself not craving chocolate or candies or fatty fried foods. I now crave more healthy alternatives [but don't get me wrong-- a girl has to have some sugar in her life, am I right??] and my stomach feels like it's shrunken down because I can't eat such large servings anymore. 

More updates to come! Until then, enjoy the remainder of the weekend because we lose an hour also -_- Womp!


Wal-Mart... smh..

I have never seen such foolishness in all my life as I have in about 5 minutes in a Wal-Mart. Here-- let me buy 15,000 Great Value brand items then spend 20 years arguing with the cashier that "This stuff is so overpriced... I mean who decides these prices mememememe..." [me in background rolling my eyes and picturing myself using a pimp hand to silence the pure ca-ca coming out of their mouths]. Or here-- let me drag my child out to a place that they don't wanna go, when they're tired and CLEARLY, I MEAN VISIBLY sick, and then scream at them about wanting things in every aisle "Tyrellllll.... I done told u not to mess with that~" [child wails] "Now don' u go actin' like that in this aisle or I will whoop your ass the secon' we get to the goddamn car!" [me in background, trying not to laugh and desperately trying to avoid the aisle they're in at all costs. "...they're in the cereal aisle........you know what? I always hated cereal anyway"].

Just had to share my experience with you. The diet is going better and I feel so energized and alert, which has been great for me personally because I'm quite a "napper". I haven't really noticed any glaring weight-loss, but I have noticed that I no longer need my acne spot treatment cream and a day without makeup [while it makes me seem more pale] really isn't too bad. I will be weighing myself officially on Saturday [probably mentioned that before, but that's how my memory is..] and am crossing my fingers for a couple lbs of loss!

I promise will try to update at an early hour and more consistently than I have been.
Until then, have a great upcoming weekend!!


Slowly, Slowly

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: extra weight looks better when it is TAN. Which is why I tanned for the majority of the afternoon. Then I made all my juices for the rest of the week, and incorporated more strawberries/apples/and pears, which made them awesome! So now I am revved up and ready to tackle this diet and start exercising and look fabulous by next month :D

Pictures to come on Saturday to see if any changes can be noticed.

Have a great week guys~


Almost ate my own arm yesterday... but about that diet..

So yeah...... the title says it all. I was starving yesterday. Like, eat a bear starving... I probably would have even settled for a stuffed bear (since I don't have the slightest idea where to find a bear in FL). I also did not update this blog yesterday because I honestly didn't want the reminder that I was on this diet from hell. After 3 days of just juice, raw fruits and veggies--- I decided going cold turkey was not the healthiest way to get my body to shed pounds (frankly, it's probably in survivor-mode so it's been storing freaking food -_-), which is why I have changed from the Classic Reboot diet, to the Plus Dinner version! It allows you to have one light dinner (breakfast/lunch) in addition to your juicing the rest of the day. Which I can handle and so far today did not make me stab someone in the face for eating near me or chew on my limbs. I'm practically spewing rainbows right now from the sheer happiness that comes from eating a real meal. You would think I'd been on this diet for years, but until you try this diet... don't you dare judge me. It is MUCH tougher than I thought~ So here's to a great alteration and a better rate of success. And starting later this week, I'll be going to the gym for like 2 hours every week day, which will shed, shred, and tone the rest of the weight.

PS. Beach day today was PERFECT. absolutely immaculate. I am so relaxed and words cannot explain.

"It's....the.... good life."


Screw You America.

Pardon my abbreviation but.... WTF America?! Until you have had the misfortune or idiotic idea pleasure of doing a juice diet, you have NO CLUE how many times food shows up in your everyday life. It's in your television shows (Grimm, Top Chef, American Dad (13 times in 1 episode..), you can't avoid it on the road (billboards, restaurants on every corner, jingles on the radio), and God forbid you walk into a Wal-Mart (every...single... aisle. yes, even the paint aisle probably has some food related item-- "candy apple red" "burnt cheddar orange" "chocolate souffle brown" color swatches). So that is why I say screw you America. I speak for dieters everywhere when I say that half the reason I'm dieting is because we've been socially conditioned to associate food with positive things. These positive things may be business lunches, dates, staff parties, baby showers, weddings, any given holiday, any given Sunday (ha, movie reference!), the list goes on~ How can we expect anyone to be healthy and not use food as a pleasure catalyst, when we basically spoon-feed it (pun-intended) from the day they're born??

Okay, I'll hop off my soapbox for now (still America, you're a hot tranny mess) and give you a progress report:

Day 2: Day 1 was terrible. My juice was too gingery and EVERYTHING I saw had a food-related motif. So I ended up turning off my computer and reading a magazine. I have to say that changing food habits ends up affecting a lot more than you'd normally notice, which is usually because our brains are on autopilot with the habits we make (just read a sample of the new book "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business", which really let's you know how our brain works on habit-forming. you should read it. seriously, order now). Although I've been feeling more sluggish than usual (I would imagine my intake of sugar has been keeping me up more than I care to notice), my brain doesn't feel foggy and I actually did some pretty complicated math. In my head. In the car, while driving, in the dark (yes, yes, I know~ Genius? I wouldn't go that far *fake high society laugh*).

Example of my math skills before: .............................. (*%$#@).... (pick up calculator).
Example of my math skills now: If there are 2 cucumbers for every juice, which makes 2 bottles, and I need 4 bottles a day, and 4 bottles x 7 days = 28 bottles, which means I need approximately (etc.)

Get excited, because I'm about to keep talking about my day! I ALSO keep having amazing ideas for my Behavioral Neuroscience class grant project, which I was struggling with. AND I'm pretty sure that I'm getting outside more to avoid the thought of food be active :D Tomorrow I plan to go to the beach and Auson will be making burgers (while I have my juice and water and fruit... -_- ), so I'll let you know how that pans out.

Thanks for following and I hope I start inspiring people to take their lives by the.........throat and start being the healthy, productive people they know they can be. Because if my motivation-less behind can do it, so can you~

P.S. Here is a photo of my cute cat. After all my ranting, I think you deserve a smile.
This is Tembo. He is precious. Be jealous that he is all mine <3


The Girl Who Went to Tampa & Exploded

....Once upon a time, there was a little girl from WV, who decided to go to college in Tampa, FL. Shortly after she arrived, she lost lots of weight walking around campus, exercising in the gym, and eating healthy in the cafeteria. However, college classes and stress started to overcome her normally active lifestyle [and Spartan Club had some really good Chick-Fil-A]. And she made quite a few trips back home and had good old-fashioned home-cooked meals. The old weight she lost came back... then 10lbs more... then 10lbs more... until she realized in her senior year she'd gained over 50LBS in 4 years [gag me with a spoon!].

So that's my story. I came to school, got thinner, then suddenly lost the will to stay in shape or stop eating junk. Which is why I am now at the weight I'm at and why I'm doing this juicing diet. For those who don't know: Juicing is not drinking concentrate cranberry juice for a month [which could get you hospitalized btw]. Juicing is using a juicer to process fruits/veggies to make a juice. and it's pretty neat [time-consuming. and messy. and initially expensive. and good for you but scary to look at/smell].

So let's cut to the chase.
This is me, my freshman year, when I thought I was overweight [sigh..]

Oh the overwhelming sadness...

Needs Photoshopped. Bad.

Need to get rid of the pudge; PS. that is a note to boost self-esteem in the corner "You are fierce"

Arm/Bra fat needs to go
 It took a lot for me to post these less than flattering photos on here, but I figured it would keep me in check when I feel like quitting this crazy juice diet and having a bacon double-cheeseburger from Checker's, with fries and a soda. So judge me if you like, but this took courage~

  1. What's up with the title of this blog? The title of this blog "Sugar, Spice, & a Mean Sashay" is a play on what little girls are made of. My thought process on the title was that sugar, spice and a mean sashay are what I'm made up of! Btw--Sashay is defined as [by freedictionary.com]: to strut or flounce in a showy manner. My mother always says "sashay!" whenever she sees me walking ahead of her [presumably because that's what my ample hips make me do], so I thought it'd be cute to include.
  2. Who are you? Okay, so that's not really a frequently asked question but whatever. My name is Teagan and I'm a Senior Psychology major at the University of Tampa. I'm a WV native and I'm in the process of doing a juicing diet for the next 30 days [starting 3/3/12] in order to get back in shape. I am also the girlfriend of an amazing man named Auson <3 [who may be mentioned later].
  3. Why did you start this blog? I mainly started this blog to document my descent into madness from lack of food juicing diet but I'll probably keep it going afterwards to just express myself and my everyday life.
  4. What do you plan to accomplish with your diet? Well, hopefully I'll be thin and super fabulous! Realistically, I want to lose about 30-40lbs [not just in a month, but overall] and tone up all over. I also want to banish my habits of eating processed foods and snacking on junk. Guess we'll see what happens!

**Okay, longest post known to man. I'm exhausted [I've been kind of tired since I started juicing this afternoon, which should fade in a few days] & my Mean Green juice has too much ginger in it [which has given it a fiery taste and a cut-grass smell that is far from intoxicating..] BUT I'm happy to be doing this. I just hope that you'll follow me on this roller-coaster journey to a more healthy lifestyle!