

Screw You America.

Pardon my abbreviation but.... WTF America?! Until you have had the misfortune or idiotic idea pleasure of doing a juice diet, you have NO CLUE how many times food shows up in your everyday life. It's in your television shows (Grimm, Top Chef, American Dad (13 times in 1 episode..), you can't avoid it on the road (billboards, restaurants on every corner, jingles on the radio), and God forbid you walk into a Wal-Mart (every...single... aisle. yes, even the paint aisle probably has some food related item-- "candy apple red" "burnt cheddar orange" "chocolate souffle brown" color swatches). So that is why I say screw you America. I speak for dieters everywhere when I say that half the reason I'm dieting is because we've been socially conditioned to associate food with positive things. These positive things may be business lunches, dates, staff parties, baby showers, weddings, any given holiday, any given Sunday (ha, movie reference!), the list goes on~ How can we expect anyone to be healthy and not use food as a pleasure catalyst, when we basically spoon-feed it (pun-intended) from the day they're born??

Okay, I'll hop off my soapbox for now (still America, you're a hot tranny mess) and give you a progress report:

Day 2: Day 1 was terrible. My juice was too gingery and EVERYTHING I saw had a food-related motif. So I ended up turning off my computer and reading a magazine. I have to say that changing food habits ends up affecting a lot more than you'd normally notice, which is usually because our brains are on autopilot with the habits we make (just read a sample of the new book "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business", which really let's you know how our brain works on habit-forming. you should read it. seriously, order now). Although I've been feeling more sluggish than usual (I would imagine my intake of sugar has been keeping me up more than I care to notice), my brain doesn't feel foggy and I actually did some pretty complicated math. In my head. In the car, while driving, in the dark (yes, yes, I know~ Genius? I wouldn't go that far *fake high society laugh*).

Example of my math skills before: .............................. (*%$#@).... (pick up calculator).
Example of my math skills now: If there are 2 cucumbers for every juice, which makes 2 bottles, and I need 4 bottles a day, and 4 bottles x 7 days = 28 bottles, which means I need approximately (etc.)

Get excited, because I'm about to keep talking about my day! I ALSO keep having amazing ideas for my Behavioral Neuroscience class grant project, which I was struggling with. AND I'm pretty sure that I'm getting outside more to avoid the thought of food be active :D Tomorrow I plan to go to the beach and Auson will be making burgers (while I have my juice and water and fruit... -_- ), so I'll let you know how that pans out.

Thanks for following and I hope I start inspiring people to take their lives by the.........throat and start being the healthy, productive people they know they can be. Because if my motivation-less behind can do it, so can you~

P.S. Here is a photo of my cute cat. After all my ranting, I think you deserve a smile.
This is Tembo. He is precious. Be jealous that he is all mine <3

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