

If It Ain't Fried, Buttered, Breaded, Battered, or Covered in Gravy...

...then you won't find it in WV, that's for sure! I have been home since Saturday at 12AM and although I haven't eaten nearly the portion sizes I used to... I haven't exactly been "healthy" either. I've had onion rings, part of a Philly cheese-steak, a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich, M&Ms, bacon, eggs, toast with jam... and you know what?? I've lost 2 more lbs since last Saturday and am officially a pants size smaller! SOOoooo... I think the lesson to be learned is that it doesn't really matter what diet you decide to go on [extreme scary diets being the exception], as long as you change your portions, exercise, and make sure whatever lifestyle changes you're making, you can live with them.
Because honey, I can tell you this right now... if you are a meat eater, who grew up with home-cooked foods, loves dessert, loves snacking, and get easily and quickly agitated when you can't eat... you will never be able to survive on just juice/fruit/ and veggies [trust me... I'll be done with this diet in 2 weeks and it's a struggle]. It may have been the most insane diet I've ever tried worth it, but I will not be doing it again. Give me exercise and portion control ANYDAY [and y'all know I hate exercise]!

Anyway--I will update later tomorrow night, since I'll finally be back in Tampa [and possibly not have some sort of work or catching up to do~].

Thanks for sticking in there while I was away :)

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