

Who's lost another pound since Monday??..

This girl. [your applause is greatly appreciated]. Ever since my moment Monday night, I have been on the road to changing my lifestyle. I have worked out consistently since then [except yesterday when I was uber busy then I had to work {I'm an RA in my residence hall and we have weekly duty nights, mine being Wednesday}] and I've been drinking my juices, eating sliced orange bell peppers as snacks, and I finally got around to Whole Foods [which, P.S. can I just buy that entire store? I want everything in it and I'm not a wealthy college student, if such a thing exist, so I yearn for Whole Foods...foods] and bought Chia seeds, half price [thank you awesome employee guy and thank you Anna for alerting me of where I could find them]! I've also started studying for my exams early and I'm making progress on all my projects due next month [talk about a change for a chronic procrastinator].

Back to the whole losing a pound bit-- I am on FIRE lately! I had a Starbucks stir-in coffee today [I know, not a good thing on my diet, but I was running behind for class today and needed a quick pick me up.. I had it with a banana, so that definitely kind of makes up for it~] and it gave me a 5 HOUR jitterbug feeling. I could have conquered world peace in that 5 hours or rearranged my whole apartment or ran a mile [fast!]. It. Was. kind of scary Awesome. Then I went to the gym this evening and weighed myself, out of sheer amusement actually, and I'm down a pound! [*happy booty shake dance*] Yay for turning my lazy lifestyle into a more productive one :D

Tomorrow will be a day of studying, laundry, and a nice dinner with the girls<3I hope your weeks are going amazing as well!

PS. I also bought new exercise clothes this week, which is a great motivator in itself and they were on major sale!

New shirt, yoga-type pants, and running shorts [not that I ever run, but still]

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